Artist:  Georges Philibert Charles Maroniez (French 1865-1933)

Title:  Dutch Landscape

​Size: 15" x 18"

Medium/Surface/Period:  oil on canvas, c.1900

Signed: (lower right) g. Maroniez

Labels:   (verso, stretchers) art supplier partial label and stamp with anchor symbol and letter F, also various colored pencil markings of indistinct meaning.
(verso, canvas, stencil) 10 F

Inscriptions: (on each edge, marked or stamped) MARONIEZ

Condition:  Excellent

Restoration: None

Frame:  An ornate gilt gesso over wood frame with high relief foliate ornament.

​Price: $4200 shipping included

Georges Maroniez - Dutch Landscape


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Old Masters, 19th and Twentieth Century Art